Faith First Athletics
Welcome to Faith First Athletics! Our mission is to create catalysts for Christ through sports. Athletics create an optimal platform to share the love of God and many biblical life lessons. Sports are time-consuming for the players, coaches, and families. We have created this organization to empower individuals to boldly live out their faith as they compete at all levels.
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We are not here on earth to serve ourselves but rather to serve God and others. Working together as a team yields better results and strengthens team members. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor," emphasizing that working in tandem is more effective than working alone. Our goal is to build a community of athletes who work together to glorify God and teach others about the love of Jesus.
Dear God,
Help us find opportunities to reflect the light of Christ in our words and actions. Help us to encourage others toward good deeds as we play the sports we love. We love you, Lord, and ask your Holy Spirit to guide and help us build a community built on a firm Christ-centered foundation. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen